Hi, I'm Erin


I work to make transportation more active in our communities.


I am a public health advocate, policy analyst, campaign manager, and planner. I work to make our communities healthier and better connected through walking, biking, and public transportation.

I have spent my career advancing community health, whether through nutrition education, school garden programming, transportation policy, or direct technical assitance to communities and governments. I write, build coalitions, educate, and analyze. I work with governments, schools, technical assistance providers, and non-profits.

I work with Chicago's Active Transportation Alliance on a multi-year campaign to increase funding to Illinois' Safe Routes to Schools programs while pushing for much-needed reforms at the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). Illinois can be a tough state to pass legislation, especially reforms, but I've worked to build a coalition of fantastic community leaders, local government officials and technical experts across the state to keep active transportation on the agenda.

Prior to my work with Active Transportation Alliance, I worked with organizations like Share our Strength, Angelic Organics Learning Center, and Seven Generations Ahead to promote better nutrition through programs that built community and school gardens, educated young mothers on meal preparation strategies, and direct education to students across Chicagoland.

I'm also a founder and board member of Chicago Rarities Orchard Project (CROP), a non-profit organization founded to establish community rare-fruit orchards in Chicago. These orchards, designed for reclaimed spaces, are dedicated to preserving a few of the thousands of varieties of tree fruit that aren't commonly commercially grown, while providing open space and educational opportunities to Chicagoans.


Transportation policy

I'm a transportation maven!

I work to make transportation policy smarter, more strategic and better funded, whether through state-level policy, local advocacy, or coalition building.

Public health

Tortillas and salads for all!

I work to give our communities better options when it comes to transportation, nutrition, and school and community gardens.

Technical assistance

Curricula and action plans fear me.

Safe routes to school planning, pedestrian safety assessments, policy analysis. Good transportation and pubic health decisions start with a solid analytical foundation.


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